Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Fragmentation Engines

Okay, so Google is the new Google. Or Google would be the new Google if Google happened before Google. However, Google happened after Google, not before? No, But Google didn't happen before Google either...If Google defines the Web, how do we define the Web outside of Google?

It's confusing because Google only recognizes time within Google, not before or after. In Google Time, we discuss pre-Google, but the only material available is dated within Google time. Google reflects pre-Google, but cannot access it.

Now I use Google. Google everything all the time. My old posts confirm my Google-ist tendencies. Google might not yet be the Web, but if the Web is Fragments, then Google defines where the Fragment falls. If your Fragment fails Google kairos, then your Fragment doesn't exist. Web rhetoric is Google rhetoric. Web speech is Google speech. It's the OED of the post-Pepsi generation (is that the Starbucks or energy drink generation?). When I want a Wikipedia answer, I Google it!

China Googles a more honest Google. How? Google.cn is censored. But Google.com is censored too. It misses pages. It takes bribes. Google knows what the Google wants. But Google ONLY knows what the Google wants.

But Google fights the government. Google is libertarian! Google is profit. Google needs users and users need privacy. Google needs trust. Google trusts the perception of privacy.

Google looks simple, but has a complex foundation. Not the Google code, but the Google Fragments. How do you out Google Google? Relate the Fragments. Add Fragments. Trend Fragments. Turn the margins into the center and marginalize the center.

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