Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Don't be Evil

Search engines redefine couch potatoes. It is marvelous being able to find, learn, or buy anything you want with a couple of taps of your fingers. In a sense it is magical. Columbus "discovered" the Americas in search of peppers and spices, and now, I can type "buy hot peppers" in to a search engine and virtually find a plythoria of options. The video discussed how the organic rankings are essentially a popularity contest. The sites with the most credible hyperlinks linking inward to the particular site ranks the highest. And in turn, probably sees the most traffic. The search engine not only offers us a limitless end of choices very efficiently, but also stores all the inquired information, building a massive data base about personal histories and trends. Does this scare anyone else? To me - to even suggest that your mantra is, "Don't be Evil" that implies that there is the possibilites of you doing evil. I work for a newspaper, and the worst thing I have ever said is that I peddle puppy pads. Being evil never really cross my mind. I think there is plenty to fear in the power and influence Googleoid conglomerates will have over our lives' and children's lives.

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