Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The articles made me so much more appreciative of the class that we are in right now. It makes me so proud to know that Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas is technologically ahead of big j-schools like NYU. Wow! I wouldn't think that they would be that far behind, but I guess it makes sence with the kind of tenured faculty they might have there. I am so thankful for Cindy Royal and her passion to teach us the curriculum of the future. I don't know why some professors are so afraid of technology. When reading some of the comments on Alayna's blog, some of the comments really scared me. Some people, who are using the internet to read this blog, find it necessary to put her down for her outlook on life and claim that paper is better. I LOLed when I read the comment about trees being a crop! That was just cynical! I am just so grateful for this class. In only two weeks I have already leared so much about twitter and RSS feeds, etc. I absolutely LOVE the hands on feel of our class room and I am sad that people at other universities do not have the opportunity to learn the way we are learning because of money or faulty faculty. I can't wait to learn more about the everchaning environment of technology!


Alana said...

I also LOLed.

Someone needs to tell Mr. Bunyon about the negative effects of paper mills in country towns.

Why did the comments scare you? As a journalist, shouldn't you always be prepared for the worst?

Nobody is ever going to agree with you 100%. Learning how to handle criticism and takes risks in journalism is just as important as learning how to slug a paper or write a nut graph.

And I would argue that getting people to READ your article... much less react to it so strongly... is 90% of the battle.


Mrs. Countryman said...

It just scares me that some people can be so ignorant and rude. I guess I should expect that from some.