Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I am NOT an 'early adapter'

As many of you know, it took me awhile to 'warm' to Facebook. I don't, however, believe there will any 'warming' to Twitter anytime soon. I don't see the need. I am the first to admit I don't know much about it but I don't understand why the same information can't be distributed from a website or other social networks. Websites and e-mails can be readily accessed from cell phones anywhere. I have never been so far away from a radio, television or website that I couldn't keep up-to-date on weather conditions 700 miles away. I do, however, see the need for newspapers to try and find an option for themselves to find a viable conduit to produce a revenue stream. They need to try anything. I, personally, don't see it happening. But, I'm still not sure the whole Facebook thing is going to pan out either. Only time will tell if this is the avenue for newspapers to remain competitive or even relevant.

Alana Taylor's article was to say the least interesting. It is hard to believe that NYU, a school that seems to make reading the New York Times a requirement, doesn't do a better job at keeping up-to-date with the digital times. I will question her blogging for money is easy mantra. Starting at any age, no experience, getting published, sure, but that would be the anomaly. Besides, a blog is only as good as its blogger. Just because you're blogging isn't necessarily a ticket to making a living as a blogger. If it stinks, it stinks. I may not get a lot of the new technologies or totally grasp the importance or need, but i do believe that Texas State does a good job at maintaining a format for it. In fact, it could possibly, or better yet, probably should be a tract of study at Texas State, much like writing, advertising, public relations or electronic media. J-schools that do their students the favor of imparting this knowledge and information to their students would no doubt better prepare them for what id really going on in the work environment.


Alana said...

I think you mean "interesting to say the least."

Well, nothing is ever easy... but perhaps you could do a comparison between the effects and reactions that blogs can generate versus a newspaper.

Which can reach a wider audience quicker?

In fact... answer me this:

This past week you read a blog FOR SURE. I know because it was my article... but what's the last article you read in a newspaper that you discussed with anyone? An article that got you really thinking?

Could you share that article with your friend virally? Could you e-mail it to a lot of family? Could you comment directly to the author of the piece?

Anonymous said...

why do i need to share an article that i read with anyone?!

Heather Steely said...

Jac, you're my hero! Can I be like you when I grow up?

Anonymous said...

here's your answer: the only reason i was reading YOUR article was because it was assigned reading. not that i discovered you and sought your opinion out.

Chris Troutman said...

I would agree that it was the least interesting...