Friday, September 3, 2010

An Apple a day ...

Apple may not introduce new products every day, but sometimes it sure seems like it. How is an underpaid, indebted journalist/student supposed to keep up? Especially when you have a dog with a taste for technology. Literally.

To me, Apple announcements are sort of like flipping through SkyMall to see all the stuff I can't afford and don't really need, but secretly want.

I recently bought an iPod touch. But only because it came free with the iMac I bought, which is the first desktop computer I've bought in many, many years. And now they've gone and made the iPod touch better. Typical. It's pretty much the iPhone minus the phone, which I also don't have but want. Unless my dog eats it, I will probably have that iPod touch until it falls apart or becomes an obsolete paperweight, no matter what shiny new gadget Steve Jobs waves in my face. I guess that means I fall into the category of late majority or maybe even the laggards when it comes to adopting new technology. But I'm OK with that. I manage just fine, thank you.

The nano and the shuffle also got a makeover, but I think what people are really talking about are Ping and the new Apple TV. Both of which I know practically nothing about. You're surprised, I know. I hope Ping, the social network for music, takes off only because someone should have offed MySpace ((shudder)) years ago. Apple TV is intriguing. I've always wanted to be able to pick and choose what channels and shows I get. I love Netflix, and if the two can work together that's even better. This is another step in the right direction for TV. Anyone who can take money out of Time Warner's pocket is good in my book.

If you missed the Sept. 1 announcement, check out the new crap - er ... products on Apple's website.

- Julie


Doug Seliger said...

I think the advent of Ping will be the last nail in MySpace's coffin, no doubt devastating the seven teenage girls who still use MySpace.

Julie said...

I think lots of musicians still use it. The important thing for any social network for music that replaces MySpace is that it still allows bands to stream their music and advertise their shows. Especially the bands that aren't backed by major labels, or any label at all.