Wednesday, September 15, 2010

History of the Internet

The history of the internet is something that we do not think of often-at least I never had. I feel like I grew up with computers and when the internet came along it seemed like a natural progression of technology. But when you realize everything that went into giving us the internet and the web it is pretty amazing.

One of its most important features is the demand access. Everyone can have access at anytime in any place. There is no one person that can turn the internet on and off, instead everyone controls the content. Another great feature is the invention of packet switching. There is no dedicated path for the information that is sent, instead it is broken up into small bits of information and then each packet finds it way along the network separately. Then it all comes together and give you the page you see in front of you.

Another great thing about the internet is all the great applications that came after. Can you imagine a world without email? What if we had to write letters, or... talk to someone in person! oh no! Before email it must have taken months to accomplish something that can be done in a day.

And nobody did any of this because they were forced to, or paid to. The internet, the web, email, facebook and so many other inventions that have changed our online lives were created because someone saw a need for it, and thought we could all benefit from the access to information.

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