Wednesday, September 15, 2010

History of the Internet pt. 2!

I was amazed by most of this documentary we saw in class about the history of the internet. I find it completely amazing that so many people from all over the world worked together to create this magical web we take for granted today. The internet revolutionized everything we do in our lives and we could not be where we are without it. Most of us can't even make it through the morning without at least checking our emails! What i found the most fascinating was the tremendous growth in the early 90's. The statistic that completely baffled me was that the growth after the creation of Netscape as a browser was more than 300,000%! That to me is completely insane! If there was 50 webpages on the internet, that would mean 150,000 sprung up over a relatively small period of time. While that may not be as impressive today as it was back then, since today i can make site about the lint on my dryer if i so please, back then it was completely revolutionizing.

The rise of commercialization on the web was also a huge contribution to our economy. This youTube video from the 80's is about how newspapers first went "digital" by sending out coupons that people could then return to get e-copies of the paper. At the time, they didn't seen so threatened by it but today the newspaper industry is suffering. This ancient video (from the 80's lol) seems almost a parody, a mockery, of what is happning today to the print news industry. At the end the host adds that it takes an hour to load.... I would wait a minute to get something to load nowadays!

To wrap things up, the internet is such an amazing invention that has come such a long way in such a relatively small amount of time. We should all thanks Tim Berners-Lee for this great invention that allows me to look at great sites like :) and yes this delicious picture is a link!

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