Monday, October 24, 2011

Metcalfe, Patino

One thing that really struck me was how approachable and down to earth Bob Metcalfe is. He made it possible to easily connect at least one aspect of my life to his. Metcalfe and I spoke about Texan's unique language as well as when to wear cowboy boots. He strongly encouraged everyone at the session to be innovating and to look for things to improve in our everyday life. Metcalfe also said that he expected our generation to come up with the cure for cancer, explaining that was how he lost his first wife and another one of his close friends was currently battling it. I was also shocked that he failed defending his thesis. I think it brought me back to the mind frame that even inventors and people I look up to are still human and still have failures.  

In addition to listening to Bob Metcalfe, I was at the session about The New American Reality sponsored by The Center for the Study of Latino Media & Markets.  While Luis Patino, VP General Manager of Univison San Antonio, was a animated speaker, I found myself wondering the during the presentation where he got some of his information or that they were not providing all the data they gathered. In addition, some of their graphs could have used some more definitions. I realize that it is not always possible to give this data, but it was still a little irritating.

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