Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bob Metcalfe

Bob Metcalfe was a delightful person to meet. With his up and down success story and great sense of humor, anyone who didn't make it to this event surely missed out.

Metcalfe is currently teaching Innovation at UT, but before becoming a teacher he: helped create the internet, invented the Ethernet, was recruited and turned down Steve Jobs job offer, created his own company and put together Metcalfe's Law. Of course he had he downs as well, having his thesis rejected and being kicked out of his own company, but that didn't hold Metcalfe down. He regrouped and kept pushing forward.havi

I didn't really know what all to expect from him, but I found h
im very entertaining and I thought he was very insightful. He's witty personality and willingness to interact with the audience also made it a great pleasure to be in his presence. It is easy to say that h
e is an inspiration to college students and really makes you feel like you can, and will, make a difference in the world someday.

On a final note, Metcalfe believes thereare five things every student should possess in order to be successful: 1)health- you gotta be healthy or you're not going to be able to function. 2)speaking skills - you have to know how to speak to people and get your point across. 3)writing skills - you need to know how to put ideas and projects together in a way that flows so the reader doesn't become bored. 4) planning - you need to be organized and ready for whatever may come your way and 5) selling - you need to be able to sell yourself and sell your product.

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