Friday, October 21, 2011

Enjoyed Bob Metcalfe Speak

Thursday's session with Bob Metcalfe was very interesting. I didn't know what to expect before going there, but I thought that it was very good. It was nice to see someone who made such a big impact on the world today, be so humble. He came across as very easy to talk to, and was willing to engage in converstaions with everyone.

It was cool to listen to his background. From where he sent to school, to how he made his first company, to where he is now. He originally wanted to be an arhitect, and then number theory and computer technology both came around before he settled on industrial management. Both MIT (where he received his bachelor's) and Harvard (where he received his PhD) are two very prestigous schools. It was funny to hear him talk about how he was denied his PhD the first time, and how he had to do his dissertation again. It made everyone in the room realize, that in some ways he is just like us. Even though we may not get it the first time, just keep trying and things will fall into place.

His memories of Steve Jobs were very heartfelt. He spoke of his first meeting with Jobs, to their double date at the opera, and eventually Metcalfe's wedding; where Jobs was in attendance.

Metcalfe had some good quotes during his session. The best one to me was probably, "If you go and change the past, you can really screw up the future." I thought this quote could relate to everyone in the world. The things we do now, shape us for the future. Life is a revolving lesson.

I think that it is very nice that Metcalfe is a professor of innovation at UT. It's good to give back to the youth of today,a nd teaching a class is a good start. The five thinsg he teaches are "Health, Speaking, Writing, Planning, and Selling." I hope his students are squeezing him for all the knowledge possible! You can also follow him on Twitter @BobMetcalfe

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