Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The power of search and people

I was kind of disappointed that there was no mention of net neutrality in either of these videos, Search and People Power, but perhaps it was covered in the other videos for The True Story of The Internet. At the end of People Power he says that the Internet has become something that Big Business can't even hope to control, but I think it's probably a mistake to feel too safe.

As for Search, it was interesting to see that Yahoo! was started by two guys goofing around while their professor was on sabbatical. I was just listening to NPR before I watched these videos, and there was a story about Google investing in wind power. They mentioned that a lot of these side ventures that Google starts come from engineers essentially using their free time. Every engineer apparently gets 20 percent of one day out of each week to work on his or her own project. A lot of amazing, life-changing innovations begin in flexible environments like these. I don't understand why more companies do not catch on.

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