Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mark Zuckerberg: Only Slightly Creepy

I'm sitting here trying to think of what to say about the internet history videos I watched, but all I can remember is how Mark Zuckerberg sounded like he was out of breath in every one of his segments in "people power." And the fact that he's six months younger than me and his net worth is about nine or ten figures greater. Several more if you count student loan debt as negative figures.


These videos brought back a lot of memories. As I sit here typing this up while listening to songs I downloaded off iTunes in a matter of seconds, chatting with people on Facebook and adding movies to my Netflix instant queue, I can't help but laugh a little as I remember struggling to find help with Final Fantasy VII in a Yahoo chat room in the wee hours of the morning (which was the only time I could do such a thing, since tying up the phone line was a serious offense) on a computer my dad made for the family.

It's almost a little scary how quickly things have grown and progressed. I got my crappy little LG slider phone for ten bucks when I signed up with AT&T, and it can browse the web faster than anything I'd ever used before I went to college. I can't even begin to imagine what things'll be like in another five or ten years.

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