Tuesday, September 1, 2009

This is going to be a fun class...

Hi everyone, my name is Roberta Flores. I'm from a little town called Dilley, Texas; it's right in the middle of San Antonio and Laredo. I'm really looking forward to the Online Media Design Class. I graduated in 2008 from Texas A&M University Kingsville, where my major was journalism. I loved writing news stories and designing pages for the school newspaper and even was a reporter for two months in Seguin. I decided to come to grad school because I wasn't necessarily sure that I wanted to do reporting for the rest of my life. I also graduated without any experience with web design or html!

Since print journalism has been going through such a radical change, I believe it is the best time for me to get some training and experience with the tools of the future. I decided to become a new media major because communication through the web is not only fascinating, but because I don't want to be one of those journalists that gets left behind and keeps talking (or dreaming) about the old days. One of the things that I found very interesting (and did not know before) was that the person who created email worked on it in his SPARE time! Wow.

Not only are these guys legendary, its nice to know that they were mainly college students. This reminds me that anything can be achieved if you set your heart and mind to it; these guys were dedicated and unwilling to give up until they completed their project. I also had no idea that they were inspired by a mouse finding its way through a maze and applied this concept to the method for sending data to and from computer to computer. Pretty cool... If you guys want to look me up on Twitter feel free to do so....See ya in class!

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