Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nice to Meet You (From Caitlin)

First of all, I am excited about this class. I tend to gravitate towards the philosophical/theoretical elements of mass comm, so it will be good to learn some logistics - but I have the feeling there will be plenty of excellent discussion going on here as well. I love that New Media can be interwoven with so many topics and I love that the benefits of connectivity tend to make people very positive and enthusiastic.

A few older family members of mine have lamented about the "old days" of computers, when the machines were "as big as a room" and had to be kept at chilly temperatures. The film definitely captured these early awkward days and gave me an appreciation for how far things have come. As others have noted, it is amazing how haphazard the network developments were... it seems fortunate that anything came of these early experiments at all. And I think it's hilarious that all of the grunt work was assigned to grad students.

In addition to taking this class I am also taking a class in the English department, I am working on a thesis about literary journalism and I am a lab instructor for MC1313. Outside of school I am an contributor (I mostly do film writing) and I like to do typical Austin hippie things like yoga, going to shows and brewing my own kombucha. I am trying to be more active on Twitter: my handle is camo_g.

Looking forward to a fine semester!

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