Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Introductory post

My name is Douglas Martin-Whitaker, and I am two semesters away from completing my graduate program of study, working toward a MFA in Mass Communication at Texas State University. I prefer to be called "Whit" (as a one-word moniker, like "Sting," "Madonna," "Prince," or "Liberace" - none of whom I resemble), as that shortens things quite a bit. The degree I am working on will be my third degree from Texas State University: I also hold a BA in German language and a Master of Public Administration. My MFA in Mass Communication should help with my transition into a career in radio broadcasting - something I have wanted to do since I was a kid.

Personal info? I tend to be over-analytical, as well as extremely focused (maybe I'm hypomanic?). I have a hectic schedule that keeps my life really busy - this fall I'll be working 60+ hours per week almost every week (and most weekends, too) in addition to doing my graduate studies and keeping up with household maintenance and domestic chores. I also teach a Christian apologetics class on Sunday evenings at church ( - all are invited!

As with most folks, I have this belief that higher education will somehow eventually lead to a more pleasant life, to include a successful career that involves doing more things I want to do. One of those things is (actually): Online media design (!), particularly as it contributes to the online presence for a radio broadcast station (or other media outlet). Though I am a "master surfer," there's not much demand for that as a job skill. I want usable, marketable online skills. This class - combined with its successor - should provide me with those skills.

My Twitter contact is @WhitTxState11. If you "follow" me, do it at a distance and don't act suspicious about it...

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