Friday, August 27, 2010

Hello there. Julie here.

I took a class similar to this about six years ago with Cindy when she taught at UT Austin. I'm looking forward to this class because even though I've worked for a website ( for the last five years and use basic HTML every day, I'm pretty rusty on the actual building of a website. And I'm sure I've forgotten just about everything I learned about Flash.

About me. Well, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with new media. Kinda funny when you consider everything. This is my second semester at Texas State in the Mass Comm grad program, new media concentration. Cindy seems to ride the ever-changing wave of new technology and media almost effortlessly with a joy and passion I admire, while I sometimes feel as though the wave is smacking me in the face and dragging me under. I love how new media is changing the way we get information, making it faster and more accessible. It's given voice to many of the voiceless and done a whole lot of good. But sometimes the extreme navel gazing that comes with it gets me down and I just want to unplug from everything. Which I take great pleasure in doing from time to time, letting the always-present wanderlust take over.

- Julie Ruff
@sapaws (work)
@txbucketlist (funky side project) (I'll probably use this one for class so I can curse like a sailor. Ayup.)

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