Tuesday, January 29, 2008

4 guys!

Barely made it ^^;

Mine is really simple. I think they all insisted that there are needs to create a better way to communicate: conceptually and practically.

Bush has already realized that technology would be the foremost leading industry of the society. He showed the “Memex” using the combination technology of television and microfilm to control and save information from a remote place. His thought was I think basically freely associated ideas could produce unlimited possiblities.

Englebart’s article was more technical explanations how human would get along with computerized devices. He thought a network that all the information would be centered and electronized, so we could access everywhere(?).

McLuhan said in his article, “Our humans senses, of which all media are extensions.” All human cultures are the refelection of human body. Audio and video media are related to our ears and eys, and just like that a computer is is an extension of human brain.

Williams focused on that the recent inventions of media technology are the series of cause and effect how we need them in our lives. (That’s all I understood from this article so far)

Anyway, my conclusion is all four guys had a common, “Human.” They wanted a better life, and the technology is the key. The unlimited possibilities!

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