Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Past SXSW Speakers and Project 3

I chose to find out more about the following SXSW speakers:

1. Charlotte Selles: As the Global Brand Manager for Beam Global, Mrs. Selles knows a thing or two about one of my favorite vices/hobbies - whiskey. After marketing her family's line of wines for twelve years, Charlotte took her current position with Beam Global, where she uses "engagement and enthusiasm marketing" to build loyalty for the Beam brand, customer by customer. She is an intriguing figure to me because I have had thoughts about dropping everything, moving to Kentucky, and trying to find a job with one of the many bourbon producers there, and apparently, that's essentially what she did, although her credentials are certainly superior to mine.

2. Lawrence Lessig: When I saw this name on the past speakers list, it rang a bell, but I didn't know why. So I Googled him, and that cleared things up. Lessig is currently at Harvard, and as an activist for reduced legal restrictions on intellectual property, he is one of the founding board members of Creative Commons, a non-profit organization which facilitates the sharing of ideas between artists of all types. We've spent weeks discussing issues such as copyright and Creative Commons in Dr. Sindy Chapa's Music Marketing class, and my subconscience assures me that that's where I heard Lessig's name a few times. He is a leading activist in the push to increase legal intellectual property sharing.

My third project will be a fan-page for the television show that has, I'm pretty sure, actually had more influence on my brain cells than the aforementioned whiskey: South Park. Yeah, it definitely won't be the only SP fan page out there, but I think I have some interesting things to say about the show. And what a perfect time to start such a page, in the middle of a new run of shows! My plan is to have a home page which will contain my general thoughts on the show, a page for character analyses, a blog page for thoughts on episodes and any kind of news relating to SP, and finally, a haters page dedicated to all those out there whose australopithecine brains just can't handle the awesomeness of South Park.

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