Tuesday, March 4, 2008

advertising & PR

The new media have changed the future of advertising too? I guess..I never thought anything about advertising or PR seriously, but I think the next big thing in advertising is targeting audiences who want them. Unlike passive TV or radio advertisings, the internet, for example makes advertisers use the medium to influence consumers who have same interests. 500 or more cable channels and VODs are other examples.

In The article, Stakeholder Strength: PR Survival Strategies in the Internet Age, the authors say, “communication is at the heart of the management of relationships,” and the communication is no longer “unidirectional.” I think advertisers approach customers by combining both advertising and marketing (PR) methods to produce the interactive communication. Not quite sure how successful Nike and Google’s joga.com website is, but it is becoming a trend today that two unmatched(?) companies get together and launch a something new. Apple and Nike are still promoting runners with iPod, and whomever their partners are, the corporations try to put their advertisements everywhere possible.

It seems like technology makes us have control over advertisements; Tivo, DVR or pop-up blocking software. However, I think customers are exposed to more and more advertisements. They are just different formats. A friend of mine, who is a film major at UT, her unfinished film project is already on imdb.com and youtube.com, and she is popular now. O’Brien says, “digital interaction can be tailored in an infinite number of ways.” Yes, I think there are unlimited possibilities for advertisers, and of course, a number of people who are sick of them, just like me.

1 comment:

Clayton Grant said...

As I am a new grad student focusing on web advertising and PR I think is a very interesting blog that is right up there with how I feel about advertising today. TV, radio, and your average internet pop-up ads are history as more and more people are using digital TV recorders such as Tivo and pop-up blockers for the web. Even with pop-up and blocker programs, I believe the new age of advertising lies on the web, just in perhaps a more subtle way than most people realize. Youtube.com is one of the most popular video sites on the net, and thousands of people upload new videos every days. What many don't realize is that this IS advertising. Having your video on youtube grants you popularity with the millions of viewers who have watched it from their computers. It's FREE advertising and it is spread not by pop-up ads and fancy animated links that most people think of as online advertising, but by word of mouth, or word of net. People see it, tell their friends, send out emails, or even list it on their Facebook (or whatever) profiles. Things such as this are becoming the new way to advertise. Linking products with advertising in a way that doesn't come off as advertising to the viewer allows the advertising to be done without showing up on the consumer's radar where they would generally tune it out or change the channel etc. I'm curious to see what advertisers come up with in the future for web advertising.