Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Gabriel Dance's Presentation

Jesse Orona here,

The first thing I noticed about Gabriel Dance was the passion he has for what he’s doing. I completely understand wanting to merge various skills to create a whole new career and Gabriel Dance’s presentation shows you how to do it.

My favorite part of the presentation was the content section. It is our responsibility to make the site comprehensible to even the most computer illiterate person out there and keep things simple. The use of a big button that clearly tells the user “Play”, backward and forward buttons clearly present, and features presented in ways the user is familiar with makes so much sense.

I never realized how many people it takes to put together a site like those Gabriel Dance featured. You have to have a good relationship with the people you work with otherwise the project is going to suffer.

My two questions for Gabriel Dance:

What sort of skills should a person still in grad school acquire and showcase if he or she is looking for an internship with a company that produces multimedia presentations like those seen in your presentation?

What do you think is going to be the next big thing in multimedia technology?

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