Monday, November 16, 2009

Gabriel Dance

I found Gabriel Dance's talk to the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism to be very interesting. Dance seems very hip and innovative when it comes to his multimedia skills and projects for the NY Times.

I completely agreed with his first few words in the beginning of his talk. Someone must have a love for the internet and computers and must have an interest in applying both to the field of journalism before anyone decides to dive into the world of multimedia journalism.
His master's thesis project on Robinson Crusoe is simply out of this world. It is quite impressive and incredibly creative.

I liked his emphasis on usability and on how naviagtion must be so clear and easy for users that there would be little room for error. His example of Barack Obama's timeline of his life was a great example. The addition of two big buttons at the time of the timeline ended up being the only way that users browsed through the project instead of clicking on specific dates.
I appreciated his advice to people looking for any kind of multimedia job. You must promote yourself, but also acknowledge the skills and projects that the news outlet or company already has. That is sometimes hard to remember.

1. I liked how you joined many other professionals in saying that this is great time for journalism. Where do you see the field heading within the next 5 - 10 years and do you see any room for print versions of any newspaper or magazine?

2. Which project have you created that you are most proud of?

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