Monday, December 1, 2008

Facebook and Politics 2.0

The Web and Politics Panel

The 2008 Presidential election is like the election of 1960 in that a new medium has become the dominant medium in which we communicated through during the election. In the sixties it was television. Today it's the web. In this pannel Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post, Mayor of San Fransisco Gavin Newsom, and Joe Trippi of Trippi and associates dicuss politics shortly after the presidential elecition with moderator John Heilemann of New York Magazine. This panel is one of the longer ones. It is actually 51 minutes long, but the information is relevant so it is worth watching. The web has not only changed the way elections are run, but it will change how politics are run in the future. With the web, citizens can interact with their government easily. While television demanded fake, the web demands authenticities. With the web we find out who the politicians really are. It is something that politicians aren't really used to. The panelist argue that this authenticity is healthy for society. Another big thing they talked about are the ways that Barack Obama mobilized people through the web using, Facebook, Myspace, twitter, and of course Youtube. And also how he raised money through emails asking for small donations. He took advantage of the benefits of the interactivity of the web to raise money and change the nation.


Of course I have to choose the Mark Zuckerburg panel, because as you all know how much I love Facebook. At first Mark talked about monetizing, but he's said that he's pretty much fine financially. Facebook is growing rapidly, especially this year. This month they've grown to 125 million users and its no surprize because even my grandma is on Facebook these days. Mark talked about the future of Facebook, which right now is "Facebook connect." This will allow you to use your Facebook profile information on other websites. It is in the works right now. Mark also mentioned the elections and how the candidates took advantage of the applications platform. The causes application has helped people to create virtual movements. Mark dicussed this and other topics reguarding the election.

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